============================================== C H A I N G U N Z M O D B Y L E D Z E P ============================================== build 3 Also known as 'inf chaingun'. Run around and shoot stuff with your brand new unlimited ammo chaingun. Also nade stuff but you will die. No linux bins are made by me. Please port it yourself. ============================================== CHANGELOG CHAINGUNZ MOD WITH NADES (SHITMACHINE BUILD 3): ----------------------------------------------- Added grenades. You get 50. You will die before you will have a chance to use all 50 so don't moap about how limited your nades are and how life is unfair. SHITMACHINE BUILD 2: ----------------------------------------------- sets health back to 200 after you get a kill!! SHITMACHINE BUILD ZERO ----------------------------------------------- shitty mod by ledzep thats like railz but with chainguns no linux bins compile it yarself pleas. fall damage isn't offed by itself. do it in the dmflags yourself. no nades (hahahhaha)